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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:48 pm
by BeauPetite
I really want one of these phones! I'm not sure why I feel so vested in the success of this venture, but I can't help but feel it would be a great loss to humanity if it didn't succeed.

As such, I am happy to make a further donation. How about a donations page for others who want to continue to help push this project forward?

Re: Investors/Donations?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:26 pm
by bog-bean
I completely agree! I literally ordered a phone a few years ago, then after a (life emergency) had to request a refund to help cover (life emergency costs), and as soon as I could I ordered again, even though I knew it would have added a lot longer to when I could expect a phone! :lol:

Without fully being able to express why, I feel so passionately that this project - not just the phone but the 'Strange Company' ethos of Sky's Edge itself - should continue, I wonder if they would consider setting up a Patreon or something similar, even if it was just 'this is a Patreon. We can't really offer anything on it beyond the hard work we're doing already, $5/month.'

Maybe I'm getting a bit too The Dispossessed for a first forum post, but something like that might be a good way to be open-source supporters rather than shareholders. I'd like to regularly contribute for love of the work, not out of an expectation of obligation or anything!

Does anyone else feel similarly? :geek: