Does it play a dial tone?

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Does it play a dial tone?

Post by codestorm »

Hi I'm working on a similar project. I'm wondering if this phone plays a dial tone. Does it?
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Re: Does it play a dial tone?

Post by imyxh »

Hey, sorry for the delay. It currently doesn't but we absolutely plan on implementing at least DTMF tones while on a call in the firmware. We should be able to use the +ATS command to tell the LARA to play DTMF tones during a call, and even while not calling, I suspect we could use +UTGN to play dial tones as the dial is spun.
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Re: Does it play a dial tone?

Post by zero1tango »

Good idea! The ability to dial DTMF tones during an active call is a required feature to be able use the RUSP with phone menus.
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