status of NearZero 2 controller
status of NearZero 2 controller
Why is the current status of the NZ2 controller? Is it still on track to be available early 2023? I'd like to get 2 kits (2 controllers and 4 wheels).
Re: status of NearZero 2 controller
Bumping up question, I'm interesting in getting 6 controllers as soon as they're tested and relased.
Re: status of NearZero 2 controller
I'm working on a new revision to the board layout, hoping to have that done next week.
I wound up making some changes... it's going to be a single channel board, but cheaper and easy to gang for multi-channel use.
I wound up making some changes... it's going to be a single channel board, but cheaper and easy to gang for multi-channel use.