Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

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Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by jwildeboer »

Hello community and Justine!

I just received my kit (Atomic Hotline Red) here in Munich, Germany. I am not sure if I am among the first non-US recipients but I certainly hope I am :) Will keep you all updated on my progress and experiences. And hopefully I will be able to report success up to getting network access :)

My big thanks to Justine for sending the kit across the pond and allowing me to become a proud owner of the kit!

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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by justine »

Thanks for the note Jan!
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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by Roel »

Hi Jan,

aha! another person from Munich...
I ordered them also ages ago, but I didn't receive one yet... due to the fact that I am not a programmer
and I do not know if I would be of any help testing them

Is yours working ...?
And maybe we can meet, I am also in Munich and can not wait to see one for real.

I already wrote Justine that I want to have one to see if I can get it working on german provider...

Best wishes,

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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by ChriChri »

Hi from Germany,

I'm not based in Munich, but I'm also waiting for a kit to try it on T-Mobile in Germany.

Would be really interested to read about your experiences.


P.D. ordered beginning of October 2022 and am patiently waiting.
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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by dafe »

Hellou fellow rusps,
I'm one of the first orders I believe.
Es ging ein bisschen länger bis zur Lieferung, so 2 Jahre (siehe Justines Berichte mit dem Maschinenärger).

Schwarz mit goldener Glocke, die boyzn the hood-Version. Ich habe sie zusammengebaut, habe nur noch kein SD-Lesegerät zum files aufladen, ausserdem noch die dauernde "2"-Anzeige bei jeder gewählten Nummer, siehe oben. Die Funktionstasten sind tricky, ganz vorsichtiges Ausfeilen mit Nagelfeile, runder Schlichtfeile oder Ausschnitzen mit sehr schmalem Messer hilft. Innenkante der Tasten anschliessend säubern.

Grüße/Grüsse aus Leuggelbach im Kanton Glarus rsp. Freiburg im Breisgau,
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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by lohddar »

Ein Niederländer in München? Ik ook... :-D

Wann hattest Du denn Deins bestellt? Dann kann ich vielleicht grob abschätzen, wann meins geliefert wird (Bestellung Mai 2022)...
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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by Roel »


jup, Niederländer , ben sinds bijna 30 Jaar in München...

Ik heb die Phones 2021 bestellt..maar ze on hold gezet totdat die probleempjes opgelost zijn.

Ich habe gehofft das sich jemand in Deutschland meldet ... und ob sie im Netz angemeldet werden können..


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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by Roel »


any of the Germans or living in Germany any success with our providers..?

Curious nobody is posting any success or failure, in a project that lives around the first users..

I hope to get mine coming weeks...


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Re: Germany: kit received, build planned for the weekend

Post by vgau »

Hello German builders

any feedback you can provide if the RUSP is working with German provider?
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